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    Esta investigaci\uf3n se plante\uf3 como objetivo establecer la relaci\uf3n de las variables autoeficacia y percepci\uf3n de apoyo social con la adherencia terap\ue9utica de pacientes oncol\uf3gicos en tratamiento de la Sociedad Anticancerosa del Estado Lara, enmarcada en el paradigma positivista, con un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo de correlaci\uf3n, de campo y un dise\uf1o transeccional; con una muestra de 40 pacientes, a quienes previo consentimiento informado se les aplico dos instrumentos: Escala de Autoeficacia General de B\ue4bler y Schwarzer (1993); Cuestionario MOS de Apoyo Social de Sherbourne y Cols (1991) y el Cuestionario para la evaluaci\uf3n de la Adherencia Terap\ue9utica MBG de Mart\uedn, Bayarre y Grau (2008). Los resultados fueron: Autoeficacia 33,55 puntos, lo cual indica alta autoeficacia, Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social 84,30 puntos indicando una alta percepci\uf3n de apoyo social y Adherencia Terap\ue9utica 38,55 puntos lo cual sugiere una adherencia total. Al relacionar Autoeficacia con Adherencia no se obtuvo relaci\uf3n significativa; al hacerlo con Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social y la Adherencia se encontr\uf3 una relaci\uf3n positiva d\ue9bil entre dos de sus dimensiones, Apoyo Afectivo y Cumplimiento del Tratamiento r=3D416. Se concluye que no existe una relaci\uf3n significativa entre las variables. Palabras Claves: Autoeficacia. Percepci\uf3n de Apoyo Social. Adherencia Terap\ue9utica. C\ue1ncer. Psicolog\ueda de la Salud. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to establish the relation between the variables self - efficacy and perception of social support with the therapeutic adherence of oncological patients in treatment of the Anticancer Society of the State of Lara, framed in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative, field and a transectional design; with a sample of 40 patients, who with prior informed consent were given two instruments: B\ue4bler and Schwarzer's (1993) General Self-Efficacy Scale; Social Support MOS Questionnaire by Sherbourne and Cols (1991) and the Questionnaire for the evaluation of MBG Therapeutic Adherence from Mart\uedn, Bayarre and Grau (2008). The results were: Self-efficacy 33.55 points, which indicate high self-efficacy, Social Support Perception 84.30 points indicating a high perception of social support and Therapeutic Adherence 38.55 points which suggests a total adherence. When relating Self-efficacy with Adherence no significant relationship was obtained; when doing so with Social Support Perception and Adherence, a weak positive relationship was found between two dimensions, Affective Support and Treatment Compliance r =3D 416. We conclude that there is no significant relationship between variables. Key words: Self-efficacy. Perception of Social Support. Therapeutic Adherence. Cancer. Health Psychology. <br